
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Adoption/Anniversary Photo Shoot

Josh, Jonathan's youngest brother, is in town with us for a few days and among a multitude of other talents, he is an amazing photographer.  He is 8 years younger than Jonathan so Josh basically grew up in Haiti.  He can cook, play the guitar, fly a plane and take a professional photograph.  He will literally be working as a photographer his senior year of high school - cool or what?  Oh, and the plane flying, that's not just a hobby.  He plans to train to become a Missionary Aviation Pilot at Moody Bible Institute after he graduates high school.  So, to say the least, when Josh is around, Jonathan and I are both in awe. 

Last night we decided it was time to try out Josh's new lens.  It became very evident to me when I was putting together our life book that Jonathan and I don't have any great pictures since our wedding.  I've also been itching to do some cool Adoption type shots.  I won't be doing a maternity shoot (obviously), so this was kind of what the adoption version of that would be.  We are also gearing up to celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary next month!  Here are a few from the shoot...enjoy!

If you need a photographer, check out Josh's facebook page at, or email him at!