
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Funding your adoption

Psalm 82:3
Defend the poor and fatherless;
Do justice to the afflicted and needy.

This post is a long time in coming as we actually went through the fundraising portion of our adoption about 3 years ago.  When the Lord placed it on our hearts to adopt, we had to fully trust that He would provide a way to do so financially.  And He did!
In talking with people about adoption, it seems like one of the biggest reasons people do not pursue adoption is that they feel like it is financially impossible.  I'm hear to tell you that with God nothing is impossible! From agency fees, to the cost of covering the placement (hospital, legal fees, etc.), to paying a lawyer to finalize your adoption, the costs do add up.  Below is an outline of how we covered costs associated with our adoption.

Our funding for our adoption basically came in three different forms:

1) Scimp and Save -- Extra hours, overtime, selling jewelry as a second job, tax return money, garage sales, budgeting and putting every extra penny in savings.

2) Gifts -- Friends and family were extremely generous during and after our adoption. 

3) Grants -- We were graciously awarded two grants while in the waiting period of our adoption.  The first was through the organization Kids for Kyla. To read more about this great non-profit from our hometown in Colorado, click here. The second grant was through JSC Foundation. Since receiving the grant through the JSC Foundation, we have known two other couples who are personal friends that have also received this grant.  You can read about our reaction to getting the news from JSC in my post There's nothing my God cannot do.

There are many more grants you can apply for as well.  Our adoption agency has compiled a list of financial resources for adoption here:!affording-adoption/c1h4r

This is also a great list:

I really hope this helps and gives you some ideas and some encouragement in your journey!